Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Episcopal Church?

The Episcopal Church is a member of the Anglican Communion, the world’s third-largest grouping of churches. We are the offspring of the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church. We seek to share the good news of God’s liberating and life-giving love for all people. Episcopalians often describe ourselves as both protestant and catholic—we proclaim the catholic (universal) faith of the church, handed down from the apostles, but we have reformed our structure and discipline to be robustly democratic and cooperative.

How do I become a member?

Just show up! We believe that belonging is found simply by joining in worship and being part of the assembly. If you’d like to more formally join the church, please contact the office about registering your baptism with the parish.

What if I haven’t been baptized?

Baptism is the sacrament by which we are adopted by God and welcomed into Christ’s Body, the universal church. If you are desiring to follow Christ, we invite you to take this step. Please speak to Fr. Kevin about preparing for this sacrament.

Can I have my child(ren) baptized?

Absolutely! We would love to talk to you about having your child baptized at St. Andrew’s. Please reach out to Fr. Kevin.

Can I get married at St. Andrew’s?

Also yes! We would love to host your wedding. We offer the sacrament of marriage to all people, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. At least one member of the couple must be a baptized Christian. Please reach out to Fr. Kevin to set up a time to discuss your wedding plans.