10:00am Holy Communion
Rite II (contemporary language)
We invite all ages to worship together in our sanctuary. Nursery care for young children is available on the lower level if desired—but not required.
6:15pm Contemplative Evening Prayer
in the downstairs chapel

Ancient Faith for Today’s People
Episcopal worship, based on the Book of Common Prayer, is both rooted in ancient tradition and open to development and change. In many ways our worship services of Holy Communion look very similar to a Catholic Mass, because we follow the tradition of the western church. At the same time, our worship texts and practices are always evolving, as we strive to understand God better and reflect the world in which we live.
We gather for worship on Sundays in memory of Jesus’s resurrection on a Sunday morning. We hear readings from Scripture, proclaim our responses in prayer and song, offer our prayers for the church and for the world, and share in Holy Communion. All baptized Christians regardless of denomination or tradition are welcome to participate in Communion. We offer Communion in both bread and wine; gluten-free wafers are available.
At St. Andrew’s we print the words of the service in a user-friendly bulletin. The music we sing can be found in the hymnals in the pew, and is sometimes printed in the bulletin as well.
If you are new to formal liturgical worship, it can be confusing! If you need help following the service, please don’t hesitate to ask your neighbor in the pew! You may also prefer to simply listen and let the service wash over you; you don’t need to do anything. You are beloved and welcome just as you are.
Covid Protocol
Please have all of your vaccinations up to date. We are not requiring masking at this time, but please wear a mask if you feel more comfortable.
If you have a fever or any sniffles, headache, cough, scratchy throat, or other aches, please stay home and worship online through our Facebook livestream.