Liturgical Ministries
Do you have a love for worship and a desire to contribute more directly to the worship experience? If you are interested in any of the following ministries, please speak to Fr. Kevin:
The Altar Guild cares for the physical space of the sanctuary and all of the implements used at the altar—bread, wine, linens, flowers, decorative hangings, and so on.
Lectors read aloud from Holy Scripture every Sunday.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) are licensed to help the priest distribute Communion. Some also serve as Eucharistic Visitors, bringing Communion to those who are unable to come to church physically.
Acolytes assist with the ceremonial action—carrying the processional cross and candles, holding prayer books, receiving the gifts of the assembly, lighting and extinguishing candles, and preparing incense. Acolytes can be of any age, from children to adult.